At Premier Dental of Oakwood, we understand the importance of preserving the results of your orthodontic treatment. After completing your Invisalign therapy, wearing Invisalign retainers is crucial to maintain your beautifully aligned smile. Without them, you risk reversing the progress made over years of treatment, potentially causing misalignment in your teeth, gums, and jaw.
Invisalign retainers are custom-made to fit the shape of your teeth and gums. Our experienced dentists at Premier Dental of Oakwood will design your Invisalign retainer to ensure it aligns perfectly with your teeth. These clear aligner retainers are designed to be worn while you sleep, helping to prevent your teeth from shifting back to their previous positions. This way, you preserve the hard work invested in your Invisalign aligners.
Proper care of your Invisalign retainer is essential for maintaining your oral health. Our team at Premier Dental of Oakwood will guide you on how to clean your retainer, how often to wear it each day, and what to do if you lose it.
Invisalign retainers play a vital role in preventing issues such as tooth decay, gum disease, and abnormal wear of tooth enamel that can arise from misaligned teeth. Wearing your retainer as directed helps avoid these dental problems and ensures your smile remains healthy and beautiful.
If you’re new to Invisalign or need an Invisalign retainer, Premier Dental of Oakwood is here to assist you. Our dedicated team will ensure that you get the best care and support to keep your smile in perfect alignment. Contact us today to schedule your appointment and take the next step towards maintaining your stunning smile.