Many dental procedures, beyond a cavity filling will exceed the max allowed by your insurance. Learn about financing options for these dental expenses.
Root Canals have gotten a bad reputation, mostly from misconceptions about the prodecure. Our dentists can put your mind at ease & help relieve the pain.
Many people are afraid of going to the dentist, which often starts at a young age. Help your kids overcome their fears & start good lifelong dental habits.
Intoxciation is not the only thing you have to worry about when you drink. Did you know Alcohol can effect the health of your teeth & gums? Learn more.
Paying for dental procedures is one reason that people avoid the dentist. Here are some dental financing tips & stop making excuses to care for your teeth.
At Premier Dental of Ohio, we have seen just about every condition, disease and dental issue, but we take this list of rare dental issues very seriously.
If you wince every time you eat something cold, chances are you have sensitive teeth. Learn what causes the sensitivity and how to avoid it.
As dentists, we are committed to helping people achieve and maintain good oral health, but there are some patients that make our jobs a little harder.
Any time you have tooth pain, you should schedule time with your dentist. At Premier Dental, our dentists can help determine if the tooth needs pulled.
The tooth fairy only shows up when your child loses a tooth, but the tooth fairy can be used to teach kids everyday oral hygiene.