Five Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Makes Life Better

By Dr. Doug Hudoba

cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is any dental treatment that improves the appearance of someone’s smile.  This means that cosmetic dentistry is not just procedures like Invisalign®, porcelain veneers and teeth whitening.  While cosmetic dentistry certainly includes those types of treatment, it can also be something as simple as replacing an old, stained filling with a highly polished, perfectly blended filling on a front tooth.

The goal of cosmetic dentistry is not a “perfect” smile.  It is simply a smile you are proud to show off.  For some patients, this means a complete overhaul, covering every visible tooth.  For others, cosmetic dentistry could mean only a little teeth whitening.

The important thing is reaching your desired smile goals so that you feel confident when you speak, eat, smile and laugh.

This blog highlights several ways that having a confident smile improves your life.  You will see that these are all interrelated.  They are based on the findings of research that studied the repercussions people suffer when they do not like the appearance of their teeth.


When a person does not like the appearance of his teeth, his confidence suffers.  He may choose not to smile in photographs or cover his laugh with his hand.  A lack of confidence can prevent someone from asking another person out on a date, applying for a new job, or becoming involved in social groups.  With an attractive smile, this same person can confidently ask someone on a date, seek a new job or position at work, and interact with groups of friends.


In a recent study by the American Dental Association, a household survey revealed that almost one third of Americans feel that the appearance of their teeth affects their ability to interview for a job.

Jobs often require large amounts of face-to-face interaction, smiling at and speaking with customers.  When employers interview candidates with similar skills, the job is more likely to go to the candidate with a warm, confident smile than the candidate who does not smile often and/or nervously hides their teeth.

Attraction of Romantic Partners

It only takes 30 seconds to make a first impression.  In that 30 seconds, we take in the appearance and first few words of another person.  Does it surprise you to learn that a smile is one of the first things others notice about you?

A 2007 study found that teeth alone have an impact on overall attractiveness.  Not only is a nice smile attractive to other people; it also boosts confidence.  And most everyone can agree that confidence is attractive.  A big smile and an open laugh draw others in, and make them want to get to know you.

Improved Social Interactions

A survey showed that most people judge a person’s financial success, professional success, and trustworthiness by the way they look.  Many people feel that they will be judged for their “bad teeth”.  This leads them to withdraw from society.  They feel insecure at the idea of going out to dinner with friends.  They do not want to join in the selfie pics during a night out.

Because they do not smile often, they also tend to come across as unfriendly or grouchy.  All of these things hinder normal social interactions.

Overall Quality of Life

The American Dental Association’s 2015 survey also questioned their respondents about overall quality of life.  Many people agreed with the statement that life in general is less satisfying due to the condition of their teeth.  Our quality of life is affected by the way we view ourselves.  If we find ourselves insecure, unattractive, unhireable, and uninvolved, our quality of life suffers.

A beautiful smile can change your life!

Are You Interested in Cosmetic Dentistry?

Call your nearest Premier Dental of Ohio location today to schedule a cosmetic dentistry consultation with one of our dentists!  We have extensive training and experience in all aspects of cosmetic dentistry.  We will assess your current situation and help you learn all the options available to meet your smile goals.

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